Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Then He`s a Fool

Well,decided to head to the park for the sake of Stoney....Waited Waited Waited for 10 minutes....1o minutes...but I cant blame her...she was with her friends....HAHAHA...Came with her friend,Imman Aka my WOI WOI WOI WOI buddy....and the other friend whom I forgotten the name (SORRY)..and they brought a Maid...holding a cat called Bozo...if im not mistaken myself (Yes...I do make mistakes and blame it on my brain)...I was so FREAKING SCARED of cats....oh well....Malays can`t touch dogs...AHAHAHA....then...they decided to ABANDON Stoney with me... *pfft pfft*....Where`s the friendship YO??!! LOL....Funniest thing is...We sat together side by side...and still she SMS-ed me....AHAHAHAHHA....and she Browsed through my SMS-es...xD Bro came said BYE!!!!....went to the car....told my mum "KOR KOR got Girlfriend already" as usual....she "Interoggated" me and ask unusual questions....(Don`t Ask)....and My MUM ADMITS she reads my SMS-es when im in school....Pfft least my mum thinks Stoney is SWEET and told me I should hang out with her more often....THE MOST AWESOME MUM IN THE WORLD!!!! HAHA!!!! That`s all for now....LOVE YA :D

Till next time,
Eu Jing/Rocky

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