Saturday, August 22, 2009

Busting makes me feel Good


SCHOOL HOLIDAY HAVE ARRIVED!!!!!So,decided to buy some nice PS3 games....well...I cant decide cause it was all TOO GOOD!!!!Decided to buy Ghostbusters!!!!AWESOME game...HAHAHAHAHA....Besides that....The WEIRDEST Thing just happen when I was strolling BU6 park....and a group of girls keep asking me if Im the DUDE who performed in Genting a couple of weeks ago for a tribute to Michael Jackson.....LOL....I said yes and they keep on SCREAMING for no apparent reason...ahahahaha...they told me that my performance for THRILLER and Smooth Criminal was just PURE awesome and told me my SINGING was as alike Michael Jackson himself THANK YOU....and they asked for an Autograph (Dont know why) and asked to take pictures with them....(WHERE ARE THE PICS GIRLS?) I thanked them and they just went away....CUTELY....Man...this is WHY I just love children....HOLIDAYS ARE HERE!!!! And I got 5 PERFORMANCES during the HOLIDAYS!!!! WHY OH WHY???!!!

Till Next Time,

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Then He`s a Fool

Well,decided to head to the park for the sake of Stoney....Waited Waited Waited for 10 minutes....1o minutes...but I cant blame her...she was with her friends....HAHAHA...Came with her friend,Imman Aka my WOI WOI WOI WOI buddy....and the other friend whom I forgotten the name (SORRY)..and they brought a Maid...holding a cat called Bozo...if im not mistaken myself (Yes...I do make mistakes and blame it on my brain)...I was so FREAKING SCARED of cats....oh well....Malays can`t touch dogs...AHAHAHA....then...they decided to ABANDON Stoney with me... *pfft pfft*....Where`s the friendship YO??!! LOL....Funniest thing is...We sat together side by side...and still she SMS-ed me....AHAHAHAHHA....and she Browsed through my SMS-es...xD Bro came said BYE!!!!....went to the car....told my mum "KOR KOR got Girlfriend already" as usual....she "Interoggated" me and ask unusual questions....(Don`t Ask)....and My MUM ADMITS she reads my SMS-es when im in school....Pfft least my mum thinks Stoney is SWEET and told me I should hang out with her more often....THE MOST AWESOME MUM IN THE WORLD!!!! HAHA!!!! That`s all for now....LOVE YA :D

Till next time,
Eu Jing/Rocky

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

When Everything Goes Wrong,Just Move Along

Decided to blog today....4 SIANTAN has clearly went AMOK...well not really...HAHA...just a normal day in school....Teachers didn`t bother HELL broke loose.... *You know what I mean* :) This clearly said that TODAY is the most boring day in my first year in SMKBU4 :D

Till next time,
Eu Jing/Rocky

Torn within two worlds

Clearly said I have no mood to write but I was forced too... *pfft* *pfft* So...yeah....4 Siantan is a mess all because of "Her" BIG SLUTTY FAT MOUTH!!!Because of "her"....Our AWESOME teacher is in trouble....And of ALL TEACHERS!!! You just have to tell the Pengetua!!!

The WHOLE class is eyeing on YOU!!!

All done here....

Till next time,
Eu Jing/Rocky


Thankyou stoney for helping rocky blog.


Post By : Stoney



Decided to blog.....Nothing much to talk about....first post....what to do???!!!